Vanessa Santos - Transformational Speaker & Soul-Led Entrepreneur

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NYC Street Style

Reflect upon but don’t get hung up on your past to be the best you possible. 

Growing up in New York City gives you thick skin. Spending most of your adulthood in The Bronx is like adding Teflon. At first glance, the Bronx is nothing more than where the Yankee's play. It took a while for me to feel proud of where I live and that’s due to the negative assumptions the entire borough receives. Is there crime? Yes. Drug dealers? No doubt. Gangs? Of course and they don’t just socialize in this borough. Does it give you a better appreciation for the finer things in life? 100%. Why? Because growing up in the Bronx exposes you to the reality of the current state of the economy and the education that the country offers to inner-city residents.

Cinderella tales are good bedtime stories - but they are far and few in between, this borough forces you to be a realist. Some say that you are a product of your environment, and for most who grow up in the outer boroughs, that is the case. I've had to work extremely hard to ensure that I am not another statistic.  The things that I have been through in this city would be too much for some to handle, but they have taught me that life is precious and that you should fight for every opportunity in hopes for a more prosperous life. So when someone asks me where I live, I proudly say The Bronx (P.S. it’s the only borough that requires “The” before the name) and I also happen to enjoy seeing the surprised look on people’s faces.

I’m not a product of my environment, nor do I look like what someone would expect a Bronx resident to look like. I wear my fitted (slang for baseball cap) proudly and dusted off my Jordan’s to add a little sass to my look as a tribute to the place that allows me to see life without shiny blinders.

It’s gritty, it’s real, it will test your patience and this city will push you in ways you can’t imagine. Happy to show you some gems other than Yankee Stadium and perhaps I’ll write a post about my favorite spots sometime…. Stay tuned amigos!