Vanessa Santos - Transformational Speaker & Soul-Led Entrepreneur

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How to Push Past Fear and Harness Its Power as Fuel

Fear is a powerful force that can either paralyze us or propel us forward. Each of us experiences fear in different ways, and often it prevents us from reaching our greatest potential. But what if we could harness the power of fear and use it as fuel for growth?

Take a moment to reflect on the experiences and opportunities you've missed out on because fear made the decision for you. You might be surprised to realize that fear can disguise itself as comfort, self-doubt, and insecurity. We tend to prioritize comfort and security, believing they lead to happiness and success. However, in my personal journey to become the best version of myself, I've come to understand that true progress requires facing our fears head-on.

I've discovered that fear often masquerades as security, tricking us into staying within our comfort zones. It's natural to desire security in life, such as financial stability or protection for our well-being. But when that nagging feeling in your gut tells you that you're capable of more, that you deserve greater opportunities, or that you're meant to thrive in a challenging career, it's fear that holds you back.

Instead of confronting these feelings directly, fear whispers limiting beliefs in your ear:

"When the time is right, it will happen." "I just need to work harder, and someone will notice." "I lack (insert your limiting belief) to make it happen."

These thoughts wrap you in a cozy blanket of fear, keeping you comfortable but stagnant.

When I began discussing this topic and sharing my thoughts with my social network, I was amazed at the stories that emerged. Countless women like you and me have let fear become the obstacle that prevents us from reaching our greatness. This realization led me to ask a crucial question: "What has it cost you when you've let fear win?"

"What Has It Cost You When You've Let Fear Win?".

I challenged women to share their stories, hoping that this exercise would prompt them to stop allowing fear to hinder their aspirations and instead transform fear into fuel. I, too, grapple with the power I've given to fear.

It's time to push past fear's grip and reclaim our power. Recognize fear in its various disguises, confront it head-on, and use it as fuel to propel yourself forward. Embrace the inspiring stories of women who have conquered fear and achieved greatness. Let's make fear our fuel and refuse to let it hold us back any longer. It's time to step into our full potential and embrace the incredible journey that lies ahead.

3 Incredible Women Took The Challenge And Are Sharing How Fear Has Manifested Itself In Their Lives. It's Not Easy To Have An Honest Discussion With Yourself, But Always Remember This,

No One Will Do For You As You Would Do For You.

You Owe It To Yourself To Live Your Wildest Dreams.



Fear has actually stopped me from doing many things, especially in my business. My fear of imperfection & being risky - are what I call habitual fears. I pretty much miss many opportunities because I believe everything has to be perfect & thoroughly thought out a million times. When in reality not everything has to be perfect nor overthought to grow or succeed.

I have proven to myself how these fears are just blocking me from my own magic. There is so much to you and you can only experience that when you peel those layers of fear and feel its power. @BonitoDesign




Even though in the end I always have the courage to fight and succeed, I can acknowledge that because of fear of rejection and not being good enough, I have not been more aggressive in taking a risk in my career. Fear has taken me to doubt myself numerous times, second-guessing if I am good enough for the next opportunity when compared with other people, who are as good as me.

I have faced my fears through the toughest times in my life. Sometimes it has won by paralyzing me and controlling my mind; however, I always look inside and encourage myself to keep fighting, to take a day at a time and have faith that I am enough and I have all the potential to reach my dreams. @Mavictoriame




Leading up to the event, I drove myself absolutely crazy trying to prepare: after a full day of work, I would stay up late every night trying to cram useless information into my brain and just generally psyching myself out. After a week of that, I had physically and mentally drained myself and I ended up emailing the organizer that I had fallen sick and didn’t think I would be able to make it.  

Giving in to my fears that I wasn’t up to the task was a self-fulfilling prophecy: I literally made myself sick and ended up having to drop out of the event altogether. When I watched a taping of the event, I was so mad – it was so much more casual than I had imagined, and everyone looked like they were having fun talking to each other (especially my replacement moderator). I realized what a huge missed opportunity this was; in taking myself out of the process I not only missed out on an awesome experience but also on a discussion that could have actually helped to boost my credibility in the very same field in which I felt I wasn’t qualified enough.

These days, though, I make a point to reframe my mindset to take advantage of the opportunity, regardless of why I believe I was offered it! Fast-forward a few years, I was actually asked to be a speaker in the very same event! I have no idea if the moderator felt as apprehensive as I once had, but I made it a point to reach out and let her know that I had looked her up and appreciated a couple of specific things in her background, and how much I was looking forward to meeting her. @KellieGerardi


where these incredible women don't have a space to shine and break the barriers that they are certain to face; not because the opportunity isn't out there but because they initially gave so much meaning to a word that in one way or another got in their way. You give fear the power it becomes. So how do you use Fear to your advantage?

My Interpretation:

You get one shot at this life. You can reinvent yourself as many times as you want. You learn from mistakes and losses; those make you better. However, if you don't do the things you want, how will you know if you were ever really good at it? So when you think about the word fear, put it into the context of a good thing. If it scares you a bit, then you may be doing something that will make you grow, that will teach you something, that will allow you to shine and be the badass you know you can be.