Vanessa Santos - Transformational Speaker & Soul-Led Entrepreneur

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Rich B*tch Full Moon Ritual

It's Time to Upgrade Your Internal OS: A Full Moon Manifestation Ritual

Want to live that lush auntie life, blessing the little ones in your life with gifts and experiences galore? Me too! But seriously making those dreams reality requires an internal system upgrade. And the thing is, many folks don’t even realize that they’re running on programming at all because they are truly living on autopilot. 

Here’s the deal. We all have an operating system shaping how we show up - basically a collection of personal narratives and beliefs. My OS was wired by my upbringing as a first-generation Latina where I was programmed to believe that working hard is the only way to make money, that money was hard to come by, that wanting money is for greedy people, and to just be grateful for what you have...

Ever since I could remember, I always felt bigger than my environment. My dreams felt big but never out of reach. And in my early 20’s I began to hustle as part of the conditioning, often having 2 jobs AND a side hustle. I made good money and quickly spent it too. Although I couldn't quite put my finger on what wasn’t clicking, I always had an inner knowing that everything was going to be okay despite the bleak surroundings... 

So I began to make more of a conscious effort to change my environment. I began with writing in my journal about all the things I wanted to accomplish and also making vision boards before I knew it to be a thing.

However, underlying “mental programs” would creep back in here and there often sucking me back into negative thoughts like:

“Who do you think you are to shine so boldly or speak your truth loudly?” 

“Good girls go with the flow and don’t cause too many ripples.”

I felt blocked from achieving my potential even while supposedly doing “the manifestation work.”

Here’s what I realized: 

You can’t manifest abundance on an outdated and skeptical OS.

Think of your psyche like a computer. Even with cute wallpaper, glitching systems slow things down and even repels what one truly desires. For real growth, you need total upgrades internally! The performance to handle - and attract - bigger always comes down to the wiring underneath. Your programming = thoughts. Thoughts create your external reality. 

While the full moon offers the ultimate moment to declare all that you wish to manifest,  consciously upgrading your OS to match your big bold visions IS how you can manifest. Those daydreams are in your psyche for a reason sis! Do not dismiss them. 

In order to make a real change with my external environment, I needed to begin with my internal environment. 

So, I began to build a deep relationship with myself. It hasn’t always been pretty. There were moments when I even felt as though I wasn’t doing enough and that understanding reminded me that I was making progress and the journey is the work. This inner-work journey also brought me closer to understanding the power of our inner connection with the Moon and her cycles. Every time I consciously chose to honor the full moon, I began to experience what people call miracles. For me, it just became a monthly ritual that has helped get me out of the hood, and into a peaceful and abundant life. 

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Here are steps I'm using to tap into this powerful Full Moon to continue to magnetize all of my desires. 

🌕 Rich B*tch Full Moon ritual 🌕

I hope you give yourself permission to dream big and allow your imagination to expand your current reality. 

Step 1: Light Your Candles and Play High Vibe Music
I prefer songs with 528Hz frequency (said to stimulate healing vibrations). Let the flickering candles set the ambience to feel present and attuned.

Step 2: Clean Your Energetic Space:
Since energy accumulation slows you down, do a quick sweep to declutter and tidy up physical spaces. Burn some palo santo or sage for extra cleansing vibes.

Step 3: Create a Sacred Manifestation Altar
Lay out crystals, candles and meaning-filled objects to focus intention. Establishing this intentional focus spot will anchor you for the work you’re about to do. If you don’t have a dedicated altar, create a space that allows you to connect with the cosmos and your inner wisdom.

Step 4: Open Your Journal
As the director of your life movie and as the main character in your life, what are all of the wins your imagination can conjure up? What scenes are the ones you want to remember? (This is not the place to focus on the how. This is the opportunity to dream only about the what). Then state intentions aloud with crystals in-hand. Speak desires positively in present tense, like: “I am now manifesting $10k months with ease and joy.” “I am a powerful and influential creator who lives life on my own terms.” Feel the energy of those words

Step 5: Fill Jars with Water for Moon Charging
Leave jars on the windowsill overnight to infuse under the Moonlight.  (Drink first thing in morning for renewal vibes!)

Step 6: Meditate and Breathe with Intention
Settle into your seat. Focus only on your breath…  Deep inhale, audible exhale. Gently acknowledge thoughts without following them down rabbit holes. If your mind wanders, bring yourself back to the present moment by saying “I surrender and I trust”, and then focus on your breath again. (When you do this practice consistently you’ll reach a point where you’ll lose track of time. If you prefer, you can also work with a guided meditation. There is no perfect way, only the way that allows you to connect with yourself absent of the mind.) 

Step 7: Moon Bath
Grab your crystals and with this beautiful energy go outside if possible or stand by the window where you can see the Full Moon. Arms outstretched, heart open. Soak up the light of the Luna while expressing gratitude for this chance to rewrite your inner world. Thank her for her brilliance and thank yourself for your brilliance.

Step 8: Leave Crystals to Charge Overnight
Place your crystals on the windowsill to energize under the moonlight. Come morning, enjoy your charged crystals and also an upgraded internal operating system! 

I usually begin this practice at around 8pm so that by 9pm I am in bed. I make the time to honor this manifestation work and if your mind is super active, continue to journal until you feel free to drift off into peaceful, aligned dreams.

The only thing that dims our shine is the belief that we are not inherently magic itself. 

As a reminder, money amplifies who you are within… So if you know that you are a damn good person, wouldn’t it be great to have more money so that you can do more good things? Money is a tool, it’s energy. Now if your energy is tapped to and vibrating at the frequency of abundance, then you shall attract what you are broadcasting. The real question is,

What are you broadcasting?

Journal by answering this question. The moment you can catch your thoughts wandering, you begin to upgrade your internal operating system. 

Rich B*tch Affirmations

💰 I am open and ready to welcome abundant blessings into my life

💰 Infinite prosperity flows to me effortlessly

💰 I am a magnet for unexpected financial windfalls

💰 Money comes to me in joyful and wondrous ways

💰 I trust in my ability to create wealth through my unique gifts

💰 My bank account overflows with ever-increasing funds

💰 My needs and desires are generously fulfilled

💰 Wealth awaits me at every turn as I walk in my purpose

💰 I release all resistance, knowing abundance is my true nature

💰 The Universe supports me in manifesting my most ambitious dreams

💰 I feel grateful now for all the wealth heading my way

💰 Joy and prosperity infuse all my personal and business endeavors

💰 My income constantly exceeds my expenses

💰 I allow all perceived roadblocks to dissolve, making space for financial freedom to find me

If you feel called to, you can write these mantras in your journal AND also declare them to the Luna. Remember, if your internal thoughts don’t believe that this is real… remind yourself that being a wealth AF goddess is your birthright. Consistency with your meditation practice and thinking loving, self-affirming thoughts will make a big impact in your internal environment which will ultimately manifest your external environment.

I wish you an abundance of healing and peaceful thoughts. From this place you will be in a position of true gratitude and abundance to manifest more dinero and become the rich b*tch auntie that you and the world deserves!  
